Unlock the power of Personalised Nutrition with Nutrigenomics

Have you ever wondered why?

Some people can drink coffee after dinner and sleep like a baby. While others can jump like a bunny or feel anxious, after a small amount of coffee.

Some are risk takers, dopamine lovers, have addictive personalities, while others are more risk adverse.

Some might struggle to lose weight while others can eat non stop, with no impact on their waistline.

One might struggle more with anxiety and mental health conditions than others.

Some of us struggle with sleep or are more productive in the evening (night owls) while others love mornings (early birds).

Or maybe you are worrying about some of the conditions running in your family, like:

Cardiovascular Problems

Alzheimer's or Dementia

Diabetes or Metabolic Syndrome

And wonder whether this could be something impacting you one day?

Worry no longer, we can test all of this, and more.

Understanding your genetic predisposition with Nutrigenomic testing is the first step towards unlocking better and longer health.

“This type of approach is the future of holistic and scientific healthcare!” -- Tom, a happy client

Nutrigenomics is the science that focuses on understanding how the food we eat and the life we live interacts with our genes (DNA) and how it can influence various physiological processes in our everyday life.

A nutrigenomics test will examine your DNA to identify genetic variants that might impact your health.

Those small but important changes or variants in our genetic code (known as SNPs) can have significant impact on every aspect of our health.

And once identified, we can then leverage the power of personalised nutrition to optimize your health, maximise your potential and minimise your disease risk, by focussing the efforts on the areas that require the most support.

We know that our genes determine our gender, height, eye colour, physical attributes.

But our genes can also determine how we process or absorb certain nutrients, react to certain foods such as caffeine, gluten, lactose, and alcohol, how we produce energy, detoxify, metabolise sex hormones, cope with stress and store fat.

Our genes can even influence our appetite, our blood pressure, our ability to sleep, the way we age.


The best part about Nutrigenomic testing is that it can be done at any age, the younger the better. The results will always be viable, as our DNA will never change.


In Nutrigenomics we say: “Genetics loads the gun, but diet and lifestyle pull the trigger!”

While it is not possible to change our genes, it is possible to influence their activity and expression with nutrition and lifestyle.

Just because we have a weakness on a certain gene, it doesn’t mean that you are doomed to poor health.

At Nutrimente we work with Lifecode Gx, the UK´s leading provider of clinically relevant genetic testing.

I personally did my first Lifecode Gx tests back in 2019.

I still use those reports today to shape my daily habits as I move through the different stages of life.

I conducted several trainings with them and graduated as a Nutrigenomic Practitioner in 2023.


Do you want to know more about Nutrigenomics and what could be right for your health?


The most popular packages:

Healthy Aging

It is not just about living long; it is also about living well and healthy. Healthspan over lifespan is something highly discussed at the moment.

If you are keen to remain in good health as years go by, then this package is for you.

It includes:

  • 5 Reports: Methylation, APOE, Detoxification, Nutrient Core, Metabolics
  • DNA Test Kit
  • 2x 1h interpretation calls
  • 2 written interpretation summary including personalised nutrition, supplements and lifestyle recommendations
  • 2 Personalised Meal Plans
  • 10% discount on supplements

General Health: £1,449

Maybe you are keen to understand why your blood results are off despite doing many things right, or you are tired of not feeling yourself or you would like to know what might lie ahead?

Then this package is for you.

It includes:

Mind & Mood

Maybe you are struggling with stress, mood issues, anxiety, depression, addictions, sleep disturbances, OCD or ADHD.

Understanding your predisposition in producing and metabolising key neurotransmitters will help you better manage your symptoms.

It includes:

  • 3 Reports: Methylation, Nervous System, Nutrient Core
  • DNA Test Kit
  • 2x 1h interpretation calls
  • 2 written interpretation summary including personalised nutrition, supplements and lifestyle recommendations
  • 2 Personalised Meal Plans
  • 10% discount on supplements

Book a Free Call to discuss which package is for you

Healthy Vegan

A plant based diet can be amazing for some people, but not for others.

Understanding your predisposition in absorbing and utilising nutrients that are more difficult to obtain from plants is the best way to optimise your vegan diet.

It includes:

  • 2 Reports: Methylation, Nutrient Core
  • DNA Test Kit
  • 1x up to 1.5h interpretation call
  • 1 written interpretation summary including personalised nutrition, supplements and lifestyle recommendations
  • 1 Personalised Meal Plan
  • 10% discount on supplements

Women's Health

Women's health is a very broad term.

From hormonal health, endometriosis, PCOS, headaches, memory problems to weight gain and fatigue, many questions that can be answered by looking at our genetic predispositions.

The package can include:

Men's Health

Male Health is not talked about as much as women's health, but it is just as important.

From cardiovascular health, autoimmunity, skin problems, prostate health or andropause many questions that can be answered by looking at our genetic predispositions.

The package can include:

Angela provided me with a very thorough and comprehensive assessment of my Nutrigenomic test.

She gave me invaluable insights into my nutrition, sleep, exercise and lifestyle needs.

This has completely changed my perception of how to find balance, work towards longevity and deal with genetic illness that run in my family.

- Olga, a happy client.

Book a Free Call to discuss which package is for you, or to tailor any of the above packages